Friday, June 20, 2014

CLAIM #1: Day 3

Day 3

This morning I awoke with a typical throbbing headache and will admit, I was a bit disappointed.  I could feel it starting last night right before bed and was hoping it would go away, but alas.. its here to stay.  It didn't take long for me to realize that I also had the early symptoms of a cold, the very cold my daughter is currently struggling with right now.  That may explain the headache so lets not write anything off this early.. you slow yo Self right down ya heaw (that's what I keep telling myself anyways)!  

If you're reading this regularly, or you've decided to take the challenge, you may be clinging on the edge of your seat for one answer to a very huge question.. how long is this going to take?  Well I believe to get an accurate picture of the effects of this treatment, we must do what the original article suggests and participate for a full 30 days.  I'd really like to hear about anyone else's experience so if you've done this before, or you've just had a good experience casually drinking more water, I'd sure like to hear it in the comment sections of these posts.. please?

I haven't noticed any other changes yet, my digestion is the same slow trickle, the acne still finds my face a fine place to reside, and I still find myself staring out windows.  I think its waaaaay to early to draw conclusions however, so I'm definitely in for day 4! 

Thursday, June 19, 2014

CLAIM #1: Day 2

Day 2

You know that part in the movie "The Croods" where they're covered in the giant popcorns and they jump out and say "Still Alive!" ?  Well that's how I'm feeling today.  I made it through an entire day and learned some important truths.

1.  My bladder is truly the size of a humming birds.  I found myself going to the restroom for a total of, count em', 9 times yesterday.  This would definitely not work unless your self employed or your place of employment has a  lax rest room policy.  

2.  Drinking 2.3 Liters of water is actually kind of a challenge.  I fill my Nalgene first thing in the morning and then sip throughout the day, but it seems I only remember to drink it in spurts which is exactly what you don't want to do.  Maybe this will take some practice.

3.  I felt my headache slowly dissipate throughout the day, didn't notice one at all last night and didn't wake up with one this morning.  I know its too early to truly judge whether its in the water or not, but maybe those many years of people suggesting my body was just parched were right.

                     Day 2

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

CLAIM #1: Drinking 3 Litres of Water a Day Took Ten Years off My Face!

Day 1

So I've decided to do this experiment first as I've always wondered how much my life would improve by such a simple task.  I'm not doing it to save my face because as you can see, taking ten years off my face would give me the equivalent of a 16-year-old and thats not the goal here, I don't want people to think I had my baby when I was 12.  I struggle with some pretty heavy symptoms and as a self-proclaimed hypochondriac, they led me to believe I had a brain tumor or something of the sort.  My current symptoms include all day head aches, dizziness, acne (ok, maybe un-related to the other symptoms), a bit detached from reality, itching palms and feet, general memory issues, Bad Digestion (About 1 Stool Every 2-3 Days, too much information?  there's no such thing here!)  and so on and so on.  If theres a doctor in the house and this sounds familiar, please diagnose me.  But until then, I've heard this is the simplest way to solve several of those problems. So, lets give it a whirl and see if it makes me look good in the process.

My first lesson of the day:  Always wash your vesicle beforehand and prep your filtered water pitcher. I'm drinking warmish water as a result, I know they've invented ice cubes, but I just don't like the taste.  I'm using my husband's Nalgene, which I find to be perfect as it has both oz and ml on it.   I suggest getting one and then cleaning it out overnight for next day's use.

So my first question is how much do I drink?  I've done a bit of research and 3 litres isn't the recommended amount for everyone.  I found a nifty hydration calculator that you can access below via the Article 1 link, that is easy to use and takes into consideration many personal factors.  Mine came to 2.3 Liters.  At Article 2 link, It suggests 2.2 Liters so I feel I'm on the right track.  I think I'll go with my personal recommendation of 2.3 Liters.

So why not go with the claimed 3 Liters suggested in the original Article (you can access this at Article 3 below)?  Have you ever heard of over drinking water?  I was curious and did some research on the topic and found that the real concern is drinking too much too fast.  So make sure if you decide to undertake this along side me to not save all your drinking until night or try to fit it all in in the morning.  I found the 3 liters a little excessive considering all the other recommendations and don't want my cells to erupt or my electrolytes to rush out of my body alongside the undesirables.

                                                                          DAY ONE

Article 1:
Article 2:
Article 3:

Tuesday, June 17, 2014



Do you ever get that feeling, the one that makes you feel like you need a change in your routine?  Or, what about this, when you decide to paint your nails after weeks of chipped color and it gives you an entirely new confidence?  I was having that very feeling tonight and a depressing thought came over me, "I've never fully acted on this feeling."  And just as I was about to give in and go back to blubbering about, a new idea came to me, "what if I forced myself to act on this feeling?"  Hmm, intriguing.

To hold my self accountable, I've decided to create a journal of my trials and let you be the judge.  Take a gander at before and after photos, hear me out on research & tips and tricks I've found, and even listen to my personal squabbles (feelings) from day to day (so painfully detailed it hurts).  I'm not addicted to Facebook, but I am addicted to Opposing Views (a free subscription service with intriguing news articles and random photo banks, darn catchy titles) and often come across claims such as, eat this fruit and lose 10 pounds today!  Well, I'm going to put those claims to the test in the name of personal improvement and enlightenment.  Check in daily and take this magical ride with me through my soul.

Upcoming Project:  Drinking 3 Litres of Water a Day Took Ten Years Off my Face!

My Daughter Louie and Me At the Naples Zoo