Tuesday, June 17, 2014



Do you ever get that feeling, the one that makes you feel like you need a change in your routine?  Or, what about this, when you decide to paint your nails after weeks of chipped color and it gives you an entirely new confidence?  I was having that very feeling tonight and a depressing thought came over me, "I've never fully acted on this feeling."  And just as I was about to give in and go back to blubbering about, a new idea came to me, "what if I forced myself to act on this feeling?"  Hmm, intriguing.

To hold my self accountable, I've decided to create a journal of my trials and let you be the judge.  Take a gander at before and after photos, hear me out on research & tips and tricks I've found, and even listen to my personal squabbles (feelings) from day to day (so painfully detailed it hurts).  I'm not addicted to Facebook, but I am addicted to Opposing Views (a free subscription service with intriguing news articles and random photo banks, darn catchy titles) and often come across claims such as, eat this fruit and lose 10 pounds today!  Well, I'm going to put those claims to the test in the name of personal improvement and enlightenment.  Check in daily and take this magical ride with me through my soul.

Upcoming Project:  Drinking 3 Litres of Water a Day Took Ten Years Off my Face!

My Daughter Louie and Me At the Naples Zoo

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