Friday, June 20, 2014

CLAIM #1: Day 3

Day 3

This morning I awoke with a typical throbbing headache and will admit, I was a bit disappointed.  I could feel it starting last night right before bed and was hoping it would go away, but alas.. its here to stay.  It didn't take long for me to realize that I also had the early symptoms of a cold, the very cold my daughter is currently struggling with right now.  That may explain the headache so lets not write anything off this early.. you slow yo Self right down ya heaw (that's what I keep telling myself anyways)!  

If you're reading this regularly, or you've decided to take the challenge, you may be clinging on the edge of your seat for one answer to a very huge question.. how long is this going to take?  Well I believe to get an accurate picture of the effects of this treatment, we must do what the original article suggests and participate for a full 30 days.  I'd really like to hear about anyone else's experience so if you've done this before, or you've just had a good experience casually drinking more water, I'd sure like to hear it in the comment sections of these posts.. please?

I haven't noticed any other changes yet, my digestion is the same slow trickle, the acne still finds my face a fine place to reside, and I still find myself staring out windows.  I think its waaaaay to early to draw conclusions however, so I'm definitely in for day 4! 

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