Thursday, June 19, 2014

CLAIM #1: Day 2

Day 2

You know that part in the movie "The Croods" where they're covered in the giant popcorns and they jump out and say "Still Alive!" ?  Well that's how I'm feeling today.  I made it through an entire day and learned some important truths.

1.  My bladder is truly the size of a humming birds.  I found myself going to the restroom for a total of, count em', 9 times yesterday.  This would definitely not work unless your self employed or your place of employment has a  lax rest room policy.  

2.  Drinking 2.3 Liters of water is actually kind of a challenge.  I fill my Nalgene first thing in the morning and then sip throughout the day, but it seems I only remember to drink it in spurts which is exactly what you don't want to do.  Maybe this will take some practice.

3.  I felt my headache slowly dissipate throughout the day, didn't notice one at all last night and didn't wake up with one this morning.  I know its too early to truly judge whether its in the water or not, but maybe those many years of people suggesting my body was just parched were right.

                     Day 2

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